jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Day 2 - Wednesday, January 12

This morning we woke up in the cozy home of Kevin and Tammy to the scent of coffee and homemade cinnamon scones - yum! Had to get that recipe!

Esta manana el olor de cafe y panes de canela nos desperto en la casa de Kevin y Tammy - que rico! Tuve que conseguir esa receta!

After a leisurely breakfast and more chatting, we finally got ourselves out the door and down the road...too far down the road, in fact! Yep, we were so busy looking at the sights that we missed the turn Kevin had told us about. After backtracking, another wrong turn and making our way back to the right highway, we finally got out of Chicago about 2 hours after we'd left Kevin and Tammy's house! Grr. Here are a few curious city sights we saw along the way...

Despues de un desayuno relajado y mas platicar, por fin salimos de la casa y volvimos a la carretera...muy lejos en la carretera, de hecho! Estabamos tan entretenidos con las cosas alrededor que nos pasamos la vuelta donde nos habia dicho Kevin. Tuvimos que regresar, tomamos otra carretera quivocada y duramos mucho rato en encontrar la carretera adecuada. Cuando por fin salimos de Chicago habian pasado 2 horas desde que salimos de la casa de Kevin y Tammy! Grr. Aqui estan unas fotos de cosas curiosas que miramos en el camino...

We finally made it to I-90!
Por fin llegamos a la 90!

We start to see changes in the landscape, including this rock formation
Empezamos a ver cambios en el terreno, incluyendo esta torre de piedra

We crossed the Mississippe River again - this time much further North and heading West!
Volvimos a cruzar el Rio Mississippi - esta vez mucho mas al Norte y yendo al oeste

We were running later than we'd hoped, but the Suburban was running strong, the highways were clear and the sun even came out at times, so we were confident that we could arrive at our destination without problems and before it got too late. As usual, Miguel's job is to drive and Shawna's job is to give him snacks and change the cd whenever necessary. We clipped along at a good pace and when we crossed the line into Minnesota we were happy that we only had another 112 miles to go. Gradually we started to feel a little more chilly and it seemed like lots of cold air was coming in. But the Suburban is old and has lots of leaks, so we just turned the heat up and said, "It must be a lot colder here in Minnesota!" Alas, that was not the case. In fact, our heater was quitting on us and the more we turned it up the colder we got! So we left it on low to take the edge off the cold and bundled up as much as we could. God sent us a beautiful sunset to take our mind off the cold for a while, but once the sun was down it was more noticeable! At 10 degrees outside, it was a cold couple of hours and we were very happy to arrive at our warm destination and the hot meal waiting for us in Albert Lea, at the home of Don and Glenda, friends of Pastor Scott, our pastor at Tillicum Baptist in Tacoma.

Veniamos retrasados, pero la Suburban andaba bien, las calles estaban limpias y hasta salia el sol en ratitos, asi que estabamos confiados que podiamos llegar a nuestro destino sin problema y sin que se hiciera muy noche. Como siempre, el trabajo de Miguel es manejar y el trabajo de Shawna es darle comida y cambiar los cds cuando se ocupa. Avanzamos a buen tiempo y cuando entramos a Minnesota estabamos contentos que solo faltaban 112 millas para llegar. De repente empezamos a sentir mas frio y parecia que entraba mucho mas aire fro a la Suburban. Pero la Suburban esta vieja y el aire se mete por muchos lados, asi que subimos la calefaccion y dijimos, "Ha de estar haciendo mas frio aqui en Minnesota!" Desafortunadamente, no era asi. En realidad,
la calefaccion se nos estaba descomponiendo y entre mas la subiamos mas frio sentiamos! No nos quedaba otra opcion mas que abrigarnos bien y aguantar el frio. Dios nos mando un hermoso atardecer para distraernos un rato, pero una vez bajandose el sol, se sentia aun mas! Estaba a 10 grados farenheit afuera y fue un gran alivio llegar a nuestro destino y la cena caliente que nos esperaba en Albert Lea en la casa de Don y Glenda, amigos del Pastor Scott de la iglesia de Tacoma.

As He always does, the Lord had everything under control. It turns out that Don works for Napa Auto parts here in town and knows all the mechanics around. He made a plan with us to get up early and get the Suburban checked with a trustworthy mechanicto see what the problem is. Not only that, but he'll buy the parts for us with his employee discount, which will save us some money! Now we just have to wait and see how big the problem is and if we will contine our journey tomorrow or if we will spend another day in cold Albert Lea. It's all in our Father's capable hands and we know He will take good care of us!

Como siempre, el Senor tenia todo bajo control. Resulta que Don trabaja en el auto partes Napa aqui en el pueblo y conoce a todos los mecanicos de aqui. Hicimos un plan de levantarnos temprano y llevar la Suburban con un mecanico de confianza para que averiguan el problema. Ademas, Don va a comprar las partes con su descuento de empleado para ayudarnos a ahorrar dinero en eso! Ahora solo nos queda esperar para ver que tan grande esta el problema para saber si continuaremos nuestro viaje manana o si vamos a pasar otro dia en el frio de Albert Lea. Todo esta en las buenas manos de nuestro Padre y sabemos que El nos cuidara muy bien!

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