sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Monday, May 10 - Slowing down for a while

This morning we relished sleeping in until 10:00 am - especially since we didn't get to bed until 1:00 am the night before! Here at the Walker's (Aunt Bev, Uncle Terry, John Alan and Megan) and Abby's house, we were given an apartment all to ourselves! The apartment in which we are staying is my Grandma's apartment, but she has not been able to live in it for 2 years, since she now requires full-time care and is living in a nursing home nearby.

Por la manana despues de dormir de 1:oo am a 10:oo am nos levantamos con ganas de mirar la casa,es la casa de los tios de Shawna (Tia Bev,Tio Terry,John Alan y Megan) y la casa de Abby en el segundo piso es el departamento de ella y el primer piso es el departamento donde nosotros estamos viviendo solo por unos dias! esta es la entrada!!!

Welcome to the Walkers

Above us, my cousin/sister, Abby, has her own apartment where she rents from my aunt and uncle and has lived here for...a while now! (Sorry, Abby, I don't remember how long)

este es la casa de 2 departamentos!!! Que antes era la casa de La Abuela!!!!

The "barn" - Grandma's (our) apartment downstairs, Abby upstairs

Since everyone else was still on their regular work/school schedule, Miguel and I had the house and the apartment to ourselves for the day. In the afternoon we enjoyed the pool that had been installed since the last time I was here. I was excited that Miguel - who isn't a big fan of putting himself in the water - joined me in the pool for a while. We also had a lot of fun playing with Peanut, the Walker's dog, who likes to drop her toy in the pool for the people to fetch it for her!

La alberca de la casa vista desde la parte de atras!!

The Walker home and pool

The water's cold!

El agua estaba muy fria,profunda y con tiburones ambrientos,por eso no quise nadar y acercarme a lo mas profundo! : )

Miguel takes the plunge

me sumerji para buscar cangrejos o pescados!

El perro se llama Cacahuate (peanut) y tambien se metio a nadar!! cada que le da calor se mete !

Peanut cools off in "her" spot - this is as deep as she likes to go!

Looking at Peanut's toy 8 feet down

Cacahuate estaba mirando lo profundo y mirando pasar los tiburones!!

Peanut keeps tabs to make sure I get the toy for her

When we had arrived at midnight on Sunday, John Alan and Megan woke up long enough to give us hugs, then go back to bed, saying they would see us the next day. Unfortunately for Megan, she wasn't feeling very well on Monday and ended up coming home from school early to rest. John Alan, however, wasted no time upon his arrival from school setting out to get to know his new cousin, Miguel. With no fear - or even apparent recognition - of a language barrier, he immediately asked Miguel if he preferred American football or soccer (Latin American futbol). They played a little bit of both, then ended up with a round of basketball. I'm proud to report that my husband soundly beat John Alan at basketball. At least for now he has a height advantage! Since they were now, as John Alan calls them, "best buds," John Alan joined Miguel in doing a little bit of maintenance work on the Suburban. They spent a good hour or two taking off the front tires, re-greasing the joints and putting everything back together. I think John Alan now knows more about car mechanics than his dad does!

Se me hizo tarde para la cena por estar engrasando los baleros de la suburban y aunque estaba Chalaneando a John Alan aun asi se me hizo tarde porque el no tenia idea de lo que yo estaba haciendo,trato de poner las tuercas antes de poner la llanta jajajajaja!! pero su intencion fue buena.

Miguel and John Alan work on the Suburban as the sun goes down
Miguel y John Alan trabajando duro en la Suburban y muy tarde!

In the evening we enjoyed dinner on the patio by the pool with the whole family. Once we got back to the apartment Abby and I were able to chat for a while before taking our tired selves off to bed. A great first day!

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