viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Thursday, May 6 - The Interview!

Miguel had to get up early once again on Thursday morning to leave the hotel by 6:15. His interview was scheduled for 7:15 a.m. At 11:00 when I still had heard anything, I began to get anxious, wondering what was going on and why it was taking so long. When Miguel finally came back to the hotel at 1:00, he told me that it just took that long 'cause it's the government and a lot of people and everything takes a long time. As it turns out, he didn't actually have an interview in an office, like we both expected. He spent a lot of time standing in lines: stand in line to turn in your passport, stand in line to get your fingerprints taken, stand in line to talk to a guy through a glass window who will determine if you get to enter the U.S. or not, stand in line to get your number so you can wait for your packet of papers...

We are so glad that the Lord has been preparing us and that we were covered in prayer, because there were many opportunities to get discouraged. Miguel said that all around him and to him people were making discouraging comments like, "you need this form or that form or they won't approve you," or, "This is my third time here," "Last time I got rejected and had to come back a month later," etc. But he kept exercising his faith and telling people that each case is unique. He said that as he stood in line to talk to the guy behind the glass, the three guys in front of him were rejected and told to go back home. Of course, all three of them had lived in the States illegally and were now trying to get their papers legally. When it was Miguel's turn, the interviewer was surprised to see on his record that Miguel had never been to the States or even tried to get his tourist visa. After asking a bunch of rapid-fire questions and trying to get him to mix up his story, the guy got angry because he couldn't reject Miguel, angrily stamped approval on the papers and shoved them under the glass as he curtly told Miguel which line to stand in next. The guy after Miguel got rejected, too.

Miguel was pretty tired by the time he got "home" to the hotel, and since all we could do was wait, we decided to relax and enjoy the afternoon. Since I've been spending pretty much ALL my time in the hotel room, we went down by the pool for a while, for some fresh air and a change of scenery.
Despues de la cita con el consulado que gracias a Dios fue un exito,fuimos a relajarnos un poco, Shawna se metio a nadar y yo a verla nadar!

The pool at our hotel - even comes with a poolside burger stand which, according to Miguel, has the worst nachos in the world.
Aqui en Juarez probe los nachos mas malos de toda mi vida!!

Hangin' out beside the pool
antes de que nadaramos!!!

Me, swimming laps in the pool. Miguel's not a big fan of swimming, so he stayed dry and took pictures.

Shawna,nadando como un pesecillo!

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