sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Wednesday, May 12 - Visiting Grandma

This morning Miguel and I had to get ourselves up and ready at a slightly more realistic, non-vacation time, since we were planning to accompany Abby for a visit to see Grandma at the nursing home. While we waited for Abby to arrive from some errands, we entertained ourselves on the scooters belonging to John Alan and Megan.

Because I am the oldest grandchild on the Guindon side and the first to marry, it was a special occasion for Grandma to get to meet Miguel. He pulled out his most frequently used English phrase when I introduced them, “Nice to meet you,” and Grandma responded in kind.

While visiting Grandma we got to see her open some Mother’s Day cards and a package from different family members. It was fun to see her enjoy news from each family. I’m impressed that she keeps everyone’s news straight in her mind!

We weren’t there long before Grandma had to go to the cafeteria for lunch, so Miguel, Abby and I stopped at a little Italian place around the corner where we could get wireless for the computer and enjoy some cold drinks on a hot day. We enjoyed our little respite from the heat before heading back to spend a little more time with Grandma.

Then it was home for a late lunch with Abby before trying to catch up on some rest during the evening.

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