martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Monday, May 24 - It happened again!

This morning we said goodbye to the Guindon household and loaded up again to set out for Dover, TN. However, we had only driven 40 minutes, when we heard a familiar pop - this time on the driver's side - and the Suburban started to pull to the left. Once again, Miguel guided it to the shoulder, this time with shade! Once again, we called a tow truck and made arrangements to be taken to a mechanic.

Once again on the side of the highway
Otra vez a un lado de la carretera

Miguel was pretty glum
Miguel estaba muy aguitado I tried to get him to smile
...asi que yo trate de hacerle sonreir

That should do the trick!
Eso deberia funcionar!

When I talked to the girl at AAA, she asked me how many people would be riding in the tow truck. But when the tow truck arrived, there were already two people in the truck - which only left room for one! It turned out to be a married couple who own the truck and work together all day towing people and other AAA services. The wife told us, "We only have one seat, but that's okay, you can sit on each other's laps!" When it was time for us to climb in the truck she said, "It'll be just like when you were newlyweds!" Well, not quite, since I never sat on Miguel's lap when we were newlyweds...I didn't want to hurt the guy! It was an funny, uncomfortable 30 minutes, that's for sure! When we were within sight of our destination we had to wait at a red light. Our legs were falling asleep and muscles were hurting. After a full minute or longer Miguel said, "This is the longest traffic light of my life!" When we got out of the truck, we were both limping on one of our legs because they had fallen asleep. It was pretty comical!

And there she is, once again in the shop
Y ahi esta otra vez en un taller

The marks the suburban carved out of the pavement when they took it off the tow truck
Las marcas que dejo la Suburban en el pavimiento cuando la bajaron de la grua

Waiting for a taxi to take us "home"
Esperando que llegara el taxi para llevarnos a casa

Unlike last week, this shop had trouble finding replacement parts. They told us they couldn't find a new spindle in the whole country and there wasn't a used one in the whole state of Alabama. So, we have to wait 2 days for the parts to come in from Georgia. We were thankful that we hadn't gotten too far from Birmingham and that Uncle Ed and Aunt Ginny were generous and gracious enough to let us come back to their house. We're looking forward to resting up for a couple of days before heading to Tennessee to see my Dad's sister, Judy, and her family.

God is good...all the time!

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