sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Thursday, May 13 - A fun-filled day and an evening at the bay

This morning I was pleased as punch to have Miguel ride along to do another Walmart run. We had fun hanging out together and Miguel was impressed at the great prices on clothes at Walmart. Just for kicks, we tried on a few hats while we were there. Tourists.

– this time with Aunt Bev at the wheel – to go watch the sunset at Mobile Bay.

A little later, I got to go with Abby to see Grandma again. The day was a little cooler and sunny, so we enjoyed some time outside, talking about fruit and flowers and enjoying the breeze.

It was Abby’s turn to cook dinner for everyone tonight, so I got to relax until it was time to eat! We enjoyed one of those Guindon favorite recipes : chicken packets. Then we all (minus Uncle Terry) piled into the Yukon – this time with Aunt Bev at the wheel – to go watch the sunset at Mobile Bay.

We made a quick stop at Chik-fil-a first, to pick up some of their famous milkshakes to enjoy on the way. We even got to meet the Chik-fil-a cow!

Fish in a bucket

The ladies

The men

The newlyweds

Shawna and Miguel "with their adopted son"

Shawna and Miguel "with their adopted son and adopted daughter"

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