miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Tuesday, May 4 - Our long trip to Juarez

With sleepy. morning faces we loaded into the Suburban and left the Castillo at 4:10 a.m. It took us a while to get out of Tijuana, since we had to drive VERRRY slowly over all the speed bumps and around the potholes to keep from bottoming out.

Nos tomamos una foto en la puerte de salida del castllo,para recordar la ultima vez que estuvimos ahi : (
Before the sun came up, we made it to Tecate, where we stopped at "The Best Bread of Tecate" where we bought some delicious sweet bread to eat on our way down the road. Yum!

Nos paramos en Tecate a tomarnos unas cerbecitas jajaja no es cierto llegamos a comprar pan el mejor hasta ahora que hemos probado!!
As we headed out of Tecate, the sun began to come up behind the hills of...
El amanecer detras de Tecate!!!!
The "Rumorosa," the highway that winds down through mountains of pure rock, the only place like it in all of Mexico.
La Rumorosa creo que todos los que miren esta foto ya la conosen y si no! dense una vueltecita y salgan mas a pasear jajajaja
The border fence as we drove through Sonora. Must be too dangerous for many people to try crossing there! A little later, we had our own personal encounter with the law as we crossed from the border region into the interior. Little did we know that we were "importing" all the stuff we had packed into the Suburban and that we would have to pay for it. We were thankful, though, that they estimated the value of our load without making us unload everything!

Esta es el cerco que divide de Estados unidos y Mexico creo que es facil de crusar,noticia: a todos los pollos que quieran cruzar este lugar esta en Sonora!!! jajajaja

After leaving customs, we got a real taste of driving in the country, as we got to drive for several miles beside the highway, that was in process of being repaved. Needless to say, the Suburban will need another wash!

Esta carretera esta en construccion por muchos kilometros eso es para no extranar los boulevares de Tijuana! y eso afecto para llegar mas rapido a Juarez

After having driven for 11 hours straight, Miguel finally decided he needed a break and let me drive for a while.

Shawna manejo porque yo no podia mas me estaba durmiendo y estaba muy cansado.
Little did we know that I would get to take us through our first stretch of sierra - a windy, curvy, up and down road that reminded me of my trips up Lake Hughes Road to The Oaks, for those of you who know what I'm talking about!

Y manejo en la sierra con curvas y bajadas PELIGROSAS lo bueno que yo estaba dormido.
With Miguel at the wheel again, we drove and drove and drove, watching the sunset as we came down from the sierra. After several more military check points and kilometers that seemed to get longer and longer we FINALLY rolled into Juarez at 11:30 p.m. Despite being tired, we were thankful for the way the Lord protected and provided for us all day long. Our God is good!

Dios nos dejo mirar muchos paisajes hermosos de toda clase,como este que el sol esta bajando en las montanas despues de pasar la sierra.

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