viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

Thursday, May 27 - Tennessee adventures

Today we left Birmingham - for real this time! - and made our way to Tennessee.

Hoy nos fuimos de Birmingham - esta vez de verdad - y viajamos hasta Tennessee.

Just across the state line, we stopped at the Shady Lawn Travel Center...

Despues de cruzar a Tennessee, nos paramos en un paradero para viajeros...

...little did we know that we were at "The home of the big chicken!"

...y descubrimos que estabamos en "el hogar del pollo grande!"

A few miles down the road we saw a sign for the Jack Daniel's Distillery a few exits up. Since Miguel's favorite whiskey is Jack Daniel's, I convinced him we should have an adventure (not knowing it was 35 miles further in!) and off we went. It took a while to get there, but it was well worth it!
Unas millas despues miramos un letrero para la destileria Jack Daniel's. Siendo que el whiskey favorito de Miguel es el Jack Daniel's le convenci que deberiamos tener una aventura (no sabiendo yo que quedaba 35 millas para adentro) y nos fuimos para alla. Estuvo largo el camino, pero al final de cuentas valio la pena!

Mr. Jack Daniel himself. At the age of 13 he learned to make whiskey from a preacher. When the preached was forced to choose between whiskey and preaching, Jack inherited the preacher's still and was owner of his own whiskey business at age 16.

El famoso Jack Daniel. A la edad de 13 anos aprendio a hacer whiskey de un pastor metodista. Cuando el pasto tuvo que escoger entre hacer whiskey y predicar, Jack heredo el destileria del pastor y tuvo su propio negocio de whiskey a los 16 anos.

First they took us to the ricks. Using only sugar maples, they build these ricks and then burn them to make charcoal. They use their own 140 proof whiskey to light the fire because using any other kind of lighter would affect the taste of the whiskey.

Primero nos llevaron a ver los "ricks". Usando puros arboles de maple dulce, contruyen estos "ricks" y los quemar para hacer carbon. Usan su propio whiskey "140 proof" para prender el fuego porque no quieren afectar el sabor del wuiskey hechandole gasolina or cualquier otra cosa.

This is where they burn the ricks. Four at a time will burn down to coal in two hours.

Aqui queman la madera. Cuatro al mismo tiempo se hacen carbon en 2 horas.

The finished product

El carbon

Old fire trucks

Bomberos viejos

The water used to make Jack Daniel's whiskey has always come from this cave spring. Jack bought the property in the 1800s and registered it as a distillery in 1886. He liked this water because it was iron-free and gave the whiskey a better flavor.

El agua que usan para hacer el whiskey Jack Daniel's siempre ha venido de esta manantial de cueva. Jack compro el terreno en los 1800s y lo registro como destileria en 1886. Le gustaba esta agua porque no tenia hierro y le daba el mejor sabor al whiskey.

Copiando el pose de Jack

Jack's motto

La lema de Jack: "Todos los dias que lo hacemos, lo hacemos lo mejor que podemos."

They make the whiskey with corn, barley, rye, yeast and water.

El whiskey se hace con estos 3 ingredientes, mas levadura y agua.

The brewery
All the Jack Daniel's whiskey in the world is made right here.

Donde hacen el whiskey
Todo el whiskey Jack Daniel's del mundo se hace aqui mismo.

The barrel house where they hand-make their own barrels from sugar maple, char them and fill them with whiskey. The whiskey is white and bitter when they put it in the barrel, but comes out amber and with a mellower, sweeter taste.

Donde hacen los barriles a mano del maple dulce, queman los barriles y los llenan con whiskey. El whiskey es blanco y agrio cuando lo metan, pero agarra el color miel y un sabor mas suave y dulce por haber estado en el barril.

Old-fashioned bottle filler

Llenadora de botellas antigua

After the tour (which was free, by the way) we went two blocks into town. The whole town of Lynchburn, TN is built around the whiskey-making business. Quite ironic, considering that it's located in a dry country. You can't buy it or sell it, but you can make it!

Despues del tour (que fue gratis!) fuimos dos cuadros al pueblito. Todo el publo de Lynchburg, Tennessee esta enfocado en el negocio de hacer whiskey. La ironia es que el condado donde esta ubicado es un condado "seco." Es ilegal vender o comprar whiskey alli, pero lo puedes hacer!

The general store has a Jack Daniel's Harley

La tienda general tiene una moto Harley-Davidson de Jack Daniel's

Miguel played a quick game of checkers outside the store

Miguel tomo unos momentos para jugar damas inglesas

...and I relaxed in the Jack Daniel's rocking chairs.

...y yo me relaje en las mecedoras Jack Daniel's.

In the evening we arrived at the home of my Aunt Judy and Uncle Perk.

En la tarde llegamos a la casa de mi tia Judy y mi tio Perk.

Uncle Perk wanted Miguel to try his hottest homemade hot sauce.

Mi tio queria que Miguel probara su salsa casera de la mas picosa

Miguel tasted it, but said it was just "allright." That's when the challenge began to make Miguel cry.

Miguel la probo, pero dijo que no estaba muy picosa. Asi comenzo el reto...hacer que Miguel llorara.

He tried a second sauce. Less spicy.

Probo una segunda salsa. Menos picosa.

Then a third one. Nothing.

Luego una tercera. Nada.

The fourth one didn't do much either. He refused the habanero sauce, but Uncle Perk didn't mind 'cause it was store-bought.

La cuarta tampoco estaba picosa. No quiso probar la de habanero, pero mi tio no se molesto porque no era casera, sino comprada.

Uncle Perk dug around for a while trying to find a sauce hot enough to get to Miguel. Then he quietly said, "Oh, well" and went back to his dinner, thus admitting defeat. He'd never come up against a Mexican before!

Mi tio busco por un rato, tratando de encontrar una salsa suficiente picosa para ganarle a Miguel. Pero cuando no eoncontro dijo, "Ni modo" y siguio cendano, asi admitiendo que el mexicano le habia ganado!

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