miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Wednesday, May 5 - The medical exam

After a short night, Miguel got up at 5:30 to go to his medical exam this morning. For safety's sake, I spent the morning in the hotel, waiting to see how things went for Miguel.

We were discouraged to discover that all our efforts to get Miguel's vaccinations before our trip had been in vain. The clinic didn't accept the previous vaccinations as valid and the doctor told Miguel that of the 7 immunizations that he was given, only 3 were necessary for him. Therefore, Miguel had to be re-vaccinated today and we had to pay again for shots that he had already had. It was disheartening to realize that our money and effort had been in vain. At the same time, we thank God that the doctor was compassionate toward Miguel and helped him to avoid some other potential hazards by warning him of people here in Juarez who are ready to cheat and deceive anyone who doesn't really know what's going on.

Por fin estamos en Juarez,en el hotel descansando y publicando cosas en fb para nuestros amigos y familiares.

Miguel at the computer in our hotel room - lots of people to keep informed!

The afternoon was relaxing and we're getting ready for an early night. Please pray for Miguel's interview tomorrow morning at 7:15 MST. We'll see what adventures the Lord has for us tomorrow!
Muy de manana en Juarez,hasta eso que si esta bonita la ciudad y si nos preguntaran sobre la violencia, ni la conocimos hasta parece que aqui no exista,de verdad!!!
View of the street and the sunset from our room - our piece of Juarez is very pretty!

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