sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Tuesday, May 11 - Cookin' up a storm

Tuesday morning I awoke with a mission: I needed to buy ingredients to make a Mexican meal for the whole family for Tuesday night. Since my Uncle Terry had told me that we could use their Yukon anytime we needed it, I was more than happy to jump in and take myself on a ride to Walmart.

Martes por la manana,nos levantamos con una mision,nesecitabamos ingredientes Mexicanos para preparar la cena por la noche.desde que El Tio Terry le dijo a Shawna que podiamos usar la Yukon XL cuando la nesecitaramos,se puso a brincar de felicidad y ese dia la uso para ir a Walmart.

When I came home, Miguel was outside with John Alan and his friends, who were working on their cardboard boat project for a big race they have coming up on Saturday.

Cuando regreso a la casa yo estava trabajando con John Alan y sus amigos en el bote de carton para la carrera del sabado.

For dinner I had received requests to not make anything too spicy – ha! – so I opted for chicken tostadas and flan for dessert. Megan and John Alan both tried the flan, but Megan decided she wasn’t a fan. John Alan wasn’t too sure about it, either, but he managed to choke it down. Abby, on the other hand, liked its light, custardy texture.

Para la cena Shawna hizo tostadas de pollo con salsa de oregano sin chiles y flan,a John Alan y Megan no les gusto mucho el flan por que sabia amargo el caramelo.

To top off the festive evening, Aunt Bev presented us with our slightly belated wedding present: A book of Guindon (my Mom’s maiden name) family favorite recipes. Thank you to everyone for contributing to our palatory pleasure! Now, where do I find the Guindon favorite recipes that fit into my diet…?

Tia Bev,nos regalo un libro de recetas favoritas de la Familia Guindon.

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