miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Tuesday, May 25 - An evening with (1/2 of) the Guindons and Simons

Today Miguel and I relaxed in the morning, enjoying time together and time without pressing responsibilities. We were pleasantly surprised by a phone call at 11 a.m. letting us know that the part we were waiting for had come in already and our Suburban would be ready in an hour or so! This meant we were able to pick the Suburban up in the afternoon before heading home to make some enchiladas and spend and evening with family.

By 6:30 Uncle Ed, Aunt Ginny, Lauren and Will had all shown up at the house and dinner was well on its way. Here's a glimpse of what our evening looked like:

Uncle Ed installed a new cabinet in Rebecca's bathroom while Lauren kept him company
Mi Tio Ed instalo una nueva gabineta en el bano de mi prima Rebecca, mientras Lauren platicaba con el

Miguel fried up the tortillas for enchiladas while Will smashed the beans
Miguel freia las tortillas mientras Will machucaba los frijoles

Aunt Ginny taste-tested the enchilada sauce to make sure it wasn't unbearably spicy
Mi tia Ginny probo la salsa para enchiladas para ver si la aguantaban los gringos

And, since today was a little cooler, we ate dinner on the deck
Y como hoy no hizo tanto calor, cenamos afuera en el porche

Miguel's plate was a work of art, fit for a Mexican restaurant
El plato de Miguel gano el premio de mas bonito (estos americanos no saben preparar la comida mexicana)

Will learned quickly and took second place in the most impressive plate contest
Mi primo Will aprendio rapido y gano segundo lugar

After dinner Lauren and Will played with Uncle Ed's puzzles for a while (so did Miguel, not pictured)
Despues de la cena Lauren y Will hicieron rompecabezas hechas por mi tio

Then we played Uno ATTACK together
Luego jugamos Uno Ataque

Nice looking family!
Que bonitos!

Miguel plots evil as he sees all the "deadly weapons" he was dealt
Miguel tramaba maldad con las armas mortales que le tocaron

I followed Uncle Ed's example and took the game very seriously
Yo segui el ejemplo de mi tio Ed y tome el juego MUY en serio ;)

Miguel and Will followed MY example
Miguel y Will siguieron MI ejemplo

...and we all had a fun night!
...y todos nos divertimos!

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